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Dandruff and How to Deal With the Problem

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Having dandruff problem is actually simple but annoying problem, especially for you appearance. Surely, the snowy look on your hair or your shoulder will ruin everything. Some people try to use anti-dandruff shampoo but it does not work, even in some cases, the problem getting worse. In fact, dandruff might not be cured permanently, but there are still some ways to treat it.

Dandruff is not a consequence of a dry skin. This is the first thing for you to notice. Instead, dandruff comes as a result of the too much oiliness on the scalp. Therefore, people with oily hair have more risk to have dandruff problem. For some people, this problem is also a seasonal problem that will be mild on summer but worse in winter. As a kind of skin disorder, this dandruff could not be eliminated totally because it is a problem resulted from a natural process of the body. However it could be reduced or kept under control.

Furthermore, this problem also occurs because of some micro-organism on the skin called pityrosporum-ovale. Usually it does not cause any problems, but for some people the micro-organism can get out of control and causing worse problem occurs. Therefore, dandruff is also not merely a result from too much shampooing or any use of hair cosmetics.

Besides, dandruff also has some internal causes and external causes. The internal causes are including stress, nutrition factor, genetic tendency, unbalanced hormonal situation, and some other health problems. People who have too much sugar or fat has higher tendency to have this problem. While the external causes are including weather condition, lack of hygiene, or inappropriate rising of the hair and scalp.

People who suffer this problem are said to have dandruff ailments that often accompanied by itchiness. This ailment could change into the worse problem: eczema. Therefore, people with dandruff problem should be really careful treating their scalp.

As it is stated before, there is no permanent way to cure dandruff problem. However, you could reduce the problem with this several tips:
1. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables to give enough nutrition.
2. Drink enough water to help the detoxification process in your body.
3. Rinse your hair and scalp properly after shampooing to prevent any chemical substances left.
4. Use the proper hair product that is friendly for your scalp and your hair.
5. Eat more food that contains selenium, vitamin B and E and zinc. If it is difficult for you, having the supplement of those substances is a great alternative.
6. Try to have home remedies. You can apply Aloe Vera gel, lime juice, or mix of water and vinegar on your scalp or massage your scalp with the mixed almond and olive oil.
7. Do not use hair comb or hair brush belongs to a person who suffers dandruff.
8. If you want to use any drugs, get a medical advice first.
9. Talk to your doctor before using Hydrocortisone cream.
10. Do not scratch your scalp to prevent infection.

Dandruff is indeed annoying. However, doing the right treatment with some care and attention could help you reduce the problem. Add to Technorati Favorites Bookmark and Share


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